
Sulamith Wulfing - Die Kleine Seejungfrau Sulamith Wulfing - signature
The books of Sulamith Wülfing
A Bibliographical Work in Progress
by Jim Vadeboncoeur, Jr.
begun 9/23/2002
last update July 20, 2011
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The longest journey begins with but a single step. This is that step. I searched the web in vain to see if someone else had already done this. Since I couldn't find a list of her work and there certainly is a need for one, I'm posting the information about the Sulamith Wülfing books I own so as to encourage others to contribute what information they have in their possession. Together we can assemble a working bibliography.

Over the years I've discovered that titles and contents were changed for several "Bands" when they were reprinted. I would like to know what those differences were. I thought it would also be interesting to know the source books for all of her pictures. So I'm starting this list with those books that I own and I'm documenting:

If you would like to contribute information or pictures:

  • Information is needed on Bands, Kartenserie, and Kalenders published prior to 1980
  • to submit new information, you can copy the format of one of the pages I've posted (click on one of the "Band" listings to see) and insert your input for a new band or a different edition of one that I've already documented. Then me your information.
  • you can even just send an that says something like:
    "Band 3, 2nd printing, 2000 copies, identical contents except the date is October 1933 and the introduction is identifed as being for that 2nd edition"
    This is still a very important and needed piece of the puzzle. Please help if you can.
  • PICTURES: I have no intention of providing a scan for each image, but if other people want to submit them, I'll post them. A common reduction to 25% of the printed size at 72 ppi in jpeg format will keep things in perspective.(A scanning hint: scan at 50% in tiff format and then reduce that output by 50%, THEN save as a jpeg. You'll get a better image than if you just scanned in jpeg at 25%. I don't know why, but it works.) You should label each scan by band number and sequence number (i.e. band3-seq5.jpg) and attach each to a separate .
  • For those who want translations of German words or plate titles, I recommend Google Translations.

    The Bands [Volumes]
    A series of books, each with tan covers and approximately 8.5"x11" published by the press
    of Otto Schulze and Sulamith Wülfing.

    Max Jungnickel - Sulamith Wülfing - Eine Art Monographie in 35 (sic) Bildern [An Art Monograph in 35 (sic) Pictures]
    1929 | 1st printing
    1931 | 3rd printing to 7500 copies

    Band 1 - Sulamith Wülfing - Eine Art Monographie in 45 Bildern [An Art Monograph in 45 Pictures]
    October 1932 | 4th printing to 10,000 copies
    Christmas 1933 | 5th printing to 13,500 copies

    Band 2 - Rainer Maria Rilke - Gedichte [Rainer Maria Rilke - Poems]
    Christmas 1934 | 5th printing to 14,500 copies

    Band 3 - Das Tor [The Gate]
    Autumn 1931 | 1st printing of 3000 copies
    Easter 1935 | 4th printing to 9000 copies

    Band 4 - Die Krone [The Crown]
    Easter 1935 | no printing information stated

    (Band 5a) Der Mond ist Aufgegangen - Liederband 1 [The Moon Has Come Up - Song Volume 1]
    (no actual Band number is listed)
    Christmas 1935 | 5th printing to 7500 copies

    (Band 5b) Der Mond ist Aufgegangen - Liederband 2 Teil [The Moon Has Come Up - Song Volume Part 2]
    (no actual Band number is listed)
    Christmas 1934 | 4th printing to 12,000 copies

    Band 6 - Christian Morgensern - Gedichte [Christian Morgenstern - Poems]
    Christmas 1934 | 1st printing of 6000 copies
    Christmas 1935 | 2nd printing to10,000 copies

    Band 7 - Die Truhe [The Chest]
    Easter 1935 | no printing information stated, but most likely the first edition

    Band 8 - Von der Seele [Of the Soul ]
    Autumn 1935 | 1st printing of 5000 copies

    Band 9 - Von Engeln [Of Angels]
    Easter 1936 | no printing information stated, but most likely the first edition

    Band 10 - Stufen [Stages]
    probably 1936 | unknown

    Band 11 - Die Schwelle [The Threshold]
    Autumn 1937 | no printing information stated, but most likely the first edition

    Band 12 - Vom Kind [About a Child]
    no date | 1st printing of 2000 copies

    Band 13 - Vom Wunder der Tränen [The Miracle of Tears]
    unknown | unknown

    Band 14 - Der Märchenschrein [The Fairy Tale Shrine]
    Autumn 1940 | no printing information, but most likely the first edition

    Band 15 - Das Fest [The Celebration]
    Easter 1946 | first printing of 3000 copies

    Band 16 - Der Ring [The Ring]
    Christmas 1946 | first printing of 3000 copies

    Band 17-19 - unknown
    unknown | unknown [information from Internet ad]

    Band 20 - Die Kleine Seejungfrau [The Little Mermaid]
    1953 | unknown
    1971 |

    Band 21, 22 - unknown
    unknown | unknown

    Band 23 - Christian Morgenstern [Christian Morgenstern]
    Christmas 1957 | 1st printing of 2000 copies

    Band 24 - Den Müttern Gewidmet [Dedicated to the Mothers]
    Christmas 1972 | 1st printing of 3000 copies

    Band 25 - Das Album [The Album]
    1974 | unknown

    Band 26 - Christian Morgenstern - Gidichte [Christian Morgenstern - Poems]
    1975 | 1st printing of 3000 copies

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    The Kartenserie [The Card Series]
    A series of boxed sets of six color postcards from the press
    of Otto Schulze and Sulamith Wülfing.
    (data and titles taken from the list in the rear of Band XIV, 1940)

    Kartenserie 1 - Ein Weg [A Way]
    sechs kuppertiefdruckkarten [six photogravure* cards]
    *probably a misuse of the word "photogravure" which was a dotless method of reproducing artwork. All other images so labeled have been halftones.

    Kartenserie 2 - Hinter Dem Vorhang [Behind the curtain]
    sechs kuppertiefdruckkarten [six photogravure* cards]

    Kartenserie 3 - Glückwunschkarten [Congratulation cards]
    sechs kuppertiefdruckkarten [six photogravure* cards]

    Kartenmappe 4 - Blaue Stunde [Blue hour]
    sechs farbige kunstkarten [six colored art cards]
    this is labled "Kartenserie" in Band 14, but "Kartenmappe" [card briefcase] on the actual card set.

    Kartenserie 5 - Blüten [Blooms]
    sechs karten in photodruck [six cards in photo pressure (?)]

    Kartenserie 6 - Wesen [Nature]
    sechs karten in photodruck [six cards in photo pressure (?)]

    Kartenmappe 7 - Kristall [Crystal]
    sechs farbige kunstkarten [six colored art cards]

    Kartenmappe 8 - Vom Licht [Of the Light]
    sechs farbige kunstkarten [six colored art cards]

    Kartenserie 9 - Aus Meinem Leben [From My Life]
    sechs karten in photodruck [six cards in photo pressure (?)]

    Kartenserie 10 - Der Strahl [The Jet]
    sechs farbige kunstkarten [six colored art cards]

    Kartenserie 11 - Das Fenster [The Window]
    sechs karten in photodruck [six cards in photo pressure (?)]

    Kartenserie 12 - Die Gabe [The Gift]
    sechs farbige kunstkarten [six colored art cards]

    Kartenserie 13 - Zur Freude [To the Joy]
    sechs farbige kunstkarten [six colored art cards]

    Kartenserie 14 - Das Gefäss [The Container]
    sechs kuppertiefdruckkarten [six photogravure* cards]

    Kartenserie 15 - Vom Leben [Of the Life]
    sechs farbige kunstkarten [six colored art cards]

    Kartenserie 16 - Der Traum [The Dream]
    sechs kuppertiefdruckkarten [six photogravure* cards]
    circa 1940

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    The Kalenders [Calendars]
    A series of calendars, each with tan covers similar to the Bands
    and approximately 8"x10.5" published by the press
    of Otto Schulze and Sulamith Wülfing.

    Sulamith Wülfing-Kalender: 1938

    Sulamith Wülfing-Kalender: 1940 - Die Goldene Kugel [The Golden Ball]

    Sulamith Wülfing-Kalender: 1949

    Sulamith Wülfing-Kalender: 1950

    Sulamith Wülfing-Kalender: 1951

    Return to the Wülfing biography

    Illustrations copyright by their respective owners.
    This page written, designed & © 1998 by Jim Vadeboncoeur, Jr. Updated 2011.

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